May UnitedStates manufacturer rates skyrocketed 10.8 % as energy rates leapt

May UnitedStates manufacturer rates skyrocketed 10.8 % as energy rates leapt

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U.S. manufacturer rates rose 10.8% in May from a year earlier, highlighting the continuous danger to the economy from a bout of inflation that reveals no indication of slowing

WASHINGTON — U.S. manufacturer costs rose 10.8% in May from a year earlier, highlighting the continuous risk to the economy from inflation that reveals no indication of slowing.

Thursday’s report from the Labor Department revealed that the manufacturer rate index — which procedures inflation priorto it reaches customers — increased at somewhat slower rate last month than in April, when it leapt 10.9% from a year earlier, and is down from an 11.5% annual gain in March.

On a month-to-month basis, manufacturer rates climbedup 0.8% in May from Apri

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