Israeli drone strike along Lebanon-Syria border eliminates Syrian businessperson close to the federalgovernment

Israeli drone strike along Lebanon-Syria border eliminates Syrian businessperson close to the federalgovernment

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BEIRUT — An Israeli drone strike on a carsandtruck Monday near the Lebanon-Syria border eliminated a popular Syrian businessperson who was approved by the United States and had close ties to the federalgovernment of Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to pro-government media and an authorities from an Iran-backed group.

Mohammed Baraa Katerji was eliminated when a drone strike hit his vehicle near the location of Saboura, a coupleof kilometers or miles inside Syria after obviously crossing from Lebanon. Israel’s air force has brought out hundreds of airstrikes in current years, generally targeting members of Iran-backed groups and Syria’s military. But it hasactually been uncommon to hit characters from within the federalgovernment.

The strike likewise came as Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah group haveactually been exchanging fire on an practically daily basis because early October, after the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

An authorities from an Iran-backed group stated that Katerji was eliminated quickly while in his SUV on the highway connecting Lebanon with Syria. The authorities spoke on condition of privacy since he wasn’t licensed to speak to the media.

The pro-government Al-Watan everyday pricedquote unnamed “sources” as stating that Katerji, 48, was eliminated in a “Zionist drone strike on his vehicle.” It provided no evenmore information.

Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Britain-based opposition war screen Syrian Observatory fo

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