Biden heads to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to talk about taxes

Biden heads to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to talk about taxes

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President Joe Biden is headed to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to talk about who he thinks needto be paying more in taxes and who oughtto be paying less

ByCOLLEEN LONG Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is headed to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania on Tuesday to talk about who he thinks oughtto be paying more in taxes (billionaires) and who oughtto be paying less (everyday Americans).

Biden’s project stated in an statement on Friday the upcoming speech on the day after Tax Day in the U.S. would “drive home a easy concern: ‘Do you believe the tax code must work for abundant individuals or for the middle class?’ The President hasactually made it clear what he believes the response is, and so has Donald Trump.”

As inflation continues and Americans feel the sting in their wallets, the Democratic president is working to persuade citizens ahead of the November election that he is still their finest option — not Trump, Republicans’ presumptive governmental candidate. Despite the healthy task market, a ne

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