Google CEO safeguards paying Apple and others to make Google the default search engine on gadgets

Google CEO safeguards paying Apple and others to make Google the default search engine on gadgets

WASHINGTON — Testifying in the greatest U.S. antitrust case in a quarter century, Google CEO Sundar Pichai protected his business’s practice of paying Apple and other tech business to make Google the default search engine on their gadgets, stating the intent was to make the user experience “seamless and simple.’’

The Department of Justice competes that Google — a business whose extremely name is associated with searching the web — pays off tech business to lock out competitor search engines to smother competitors and development. According to court files the federalgovernment gotin into the record last week, the payments came to more than $26 billion in 2021, a year in which operating costs for Google’s momsanddad business, Alphabet, were almost $68 billion.

Google competes that it controls the market duetothefactthat its search engine is muchbetter than the competitors’s. “We are working really, extremely hard for any offered question we offer the finest experience,” Pichai stated. “That’s constantly been our real north.”

Born in India, Pichai signedupwith signedupwith Google in 2004 from the consulting company McKinsey & Co. Before endingupbeing CEO, he assisted establish Google Chrome, the world’s most popular web webbrowser, and was called to the business’s top task in2015 He is likewise CEO of Google’s momsanddad business, Alphabet. Unde

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