New California oil well restriction put on hold for citizens to choose

New California oil well restriction put on hold for citizens to choose

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California’s brand-new law prohibiting brand-new oil and gas wells near houses, schools and other neighborhood websites hasactually been put on hold till after citizens choose next year whether to toss the law out

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California’s brand-new law prohibiting brand-new oil and gas wells near houses, schools and other neighborhood websites hasactually been put on hold upuntil after citizens choose next year whether to toss it out, authorities revealed Friday.

Opponents of Senate Bill 1137 collected more than 623,000 legitimate citizen signatures to put a referendum on the Nov. 5, 2024, basic election tally, California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber revealed.

The obstacle indicates the law, which took result in January, will be on hold upuntil after citizens choose.

The expense, which was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom last Sept

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