PM to appear at over 10 UTN rallies

PM to appear at over 10 UTN rallies

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PPRP gets in groove with project tune Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, centre, is amongst secret UTN celebration figures throughout their project in Bangkok on April 7. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill) Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha will appear in at least 10 project rallies arranged by the United Thai Nation (UTN) Party acrossthecountry in the lead-up to the May 14 election, the celebration stated. From Friday, Gen Prayut, the celebration’s chief strategist, will hit the project path taking in at least 10 areas around the nation, beginning with Bangkok, according to UTN secretary-general Akanat Promphan. The leading, likewise the UTN’s No.1 prime ministerial prospect, will make the most of the election canvassing duration as it getsin the last stretch. During the Songkran celebration, individuals can anticipate to see Gen Prayut swap his work uniforms for vibrant celebration attire as he getsinvolved in exciting activities, Mr Akanat stated. The UTN secretary-general took the celebration’s MP prospect for Bangkok’s Constituency 3 on a canvassing project at Rung Charoen Market, where he lookedfor trueblessings from the senior to mark National Elderly Day on Thursday. Constituency 3 covers Bang Kho Laem and Yannawa districts. Mr Akanat stated the UTN stands behind its pledge to change the progressive rate of paying the senior allowance with a flat rate of 1,000 baht a month. With the brand-new rate, the senior would get a larger allowance, he stated. He included he had informed celebration prospects to be careful of the stringent election guidelines versus live homeentertainment, which cannot be arranged to charm citizens. The Election Commission (EC) has encouraged celebrations to play their pre-recorded project tune at rallies rather than have their MP prospects sing it to the audience. During Songkran, celebrations and their prospects are complimentary to signupwith in the celebration, although they should not sponsor or organise live homeentertainment or hand out totallyfree presents. Catchy tune The judgment Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) launched a brand-new single on Thursday with a memorable tune to
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