Previous Deutsche Bank Co-CEO Anshu Jain passesaway

Previous Deutsche Bank Co-CEO Anshu Jain passesaway

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Anshu Jain, a fomer co-CEO of Deutsche Bank, has passedaway, according to a declaration by his household on Saturday

NEW YORK — Anshu Jain, a previous co-CEO of Deutsche Bank, has passedaway, his household stated in a declaration Saturday. He was 59.

Jain passedaway after a fight with duodenal cancer, which he was detected with in 2017.

Jain was Co-CEO of Deutsche Bank from 2012 to 2015, where he assisted develop the company’s worldwide capital markets service. As Co-CEO along with Jürgen Fitschen, he was the veryfirst ever non-European to lead the German bank. Before that, he was selected to Deutsche Bank’s Management Board in 2009 and ran the business and financialinvestment bank department from 2010.


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