Previous Thai authorities chief arraigned for declared cover-up of Red Bull beneficiary’s lethal traffic mishap

Previous Thai authorities chief arraigned for declared cover-up of Red Bull beneficiary’s lethal traffic mishap

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BANGKOK — Prosecutors in Thailand on Thursday arraigned a previous nationwide cops chief in connection with an declared cover-up of a 2012 traffic mishap including the Thai successor to the Red Bull energy beverage fortune that eliminated a authorities officer.

Former Police Chief Gen. Somyot Poompanmoung, along with previous Deputy Attorney General Nate Naksuk and 6 other believes, were arraigned for conspiring to modify the taped speed of the Ferrari driven by Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya in an effort to assistance him avert a speeding charge.

They were arraigned at Bangkok’s Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases.

Vorayuth gotaway justice by leaving abroad in a case extensively held up as an example of how the abundant and well-connected takepleasurein impunity in Thailand.

Police have stated Vorayuth smashed his Ferrari into the back of a authorities officer’s motorcycle around dawn on a significant Bangkok roadway in September2012 The officer was flung from the bike and passedaway at the scene. Vorayuth drove home and was lateron detained. Medical tests revealed traces of alcohol and drug in his bloodstream, according to cops.

Vorayuth prevented more legal action by regularly stoppingworking to fulfill with districtattorneys, while continuing for years to live a jet-set life. By the time districtattorneys lastly released an arrest warrant in April 2017, Vorayuth had left abroad, where he stays.

His case hasactually been marked by various hold-ups in the investigative and judicial procedures, running down t

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