Slovakia election pits a pro-Russia previous prime minister versus a liberal pro-West newbie

Slovakia election pits a pro-Russia previous prime minister versus a liberal pro-West newbie

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — Slovakia holds an early parliamentary election on Saturday that pits populist previous Prime Minister Robert Fico, who campaigned on a clear pro-Russia and anti-American message, versus a liberal pro-West newbie.

Fico and his leftist Smer, or Direction, celebration swore to reverse Slovakia’s military assistance for surrounding Ukraine in Russia’s war, if his effort to return to power is effective.

Slovakia’s vote is a secret test that might put the nation on a brand-new course away from Kyiv and towards Moscow, threatening to break a delicate unity in the European Union and NATO.

Fico’s primary opposition is the reasonably brand-new liberal pro-West Progressive Slovakia. The winner of the vote typically gets the veryfirst possibility to produce a federalgovernment.

A overall of 150 seats in the Parliament are up for grab in the vote.


The populist Ordinary People celebration won the 2020 election with an anti-corruption ticket, and celebration leader Igor Matovič struck a offer to govern with the pro-business Freedom and Solidarity celebration, the conservative For People celebration, and another populist group, We Are Family.

The union collapsed in December after losing a parliamentary no-confidence vote, the newest action in a long-lasting political crisis triggered by bickering amongst the union partners over a number of problems, consistingof the state’s reaction to the coronavirus pandemic and how to takeon skyrocketing inflation driven by high energy costs amidst Russia’s major intrusion of Ukraine.

The federalgovernment lost a parliamentary bulk after Freedom and Solidarity withdrew from it in September 2022 last year and askedfor the no-confidence vote.

The union was a strong fan of Ukraine, contributing arms to the Ukrainian army while opening its border with surrounding Ukraine to refugees gettingaway the war with Russia.

The nation is presently headed by a caretaker federalgovernment.


Fico, 59, opposes EU sanctions on Russia, concerns whether Ukraine can force out the gettinginto Russian soldiers and desires to block Ukraine from signingupwith NATO.

He proposes that rather of sendingout arms to Kyiv, the EU and the U.S. needto usage their impact to force Russia and Ukraine to strike a compromise peace

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