US Supreme Court declines to take up obstacle to Florida’s online sports wagering compact

US Supreme Court declines to take up obstacle to Florida’s online sports wagering compact

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The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to take up a difficulty to an contract that provided the Seminole Tribe unique rights to manage online sports wagering in Florida, dealing a blow to the offer’s challengers

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a difficulty to an arrangement that provided the Seminole Tribe special rights to dealwith online sports wagering in Florida, dealing a blow to the offer’s challengers.

The country’s greatest court rejected a petition from challengers of the compact, which assures to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars for the people and the state.

The choice was the newest problem for West Flagler Associates and the Bonita-Fort Myers Corp., which run racetracks and poker spaces in Florida. In March, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that the business had submitted the incorrect type of petition to difficulty the 2021 compact inbetween the Seminole Tribe of Florida and Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration.

“What’s essential with today’s statement is that the most considerable barrier to online sports wagering in Florida hasactually been gottenridof,” stated Daniel Wallach, a South Florida lawyer and sports wagering law professional who had submitted a quick asking the Supreme Court to either take up the case or reverse it outright.

The business state the compact provides the people a sports wagering monopoly in the country’s third-most populated state and that the U.S. Department of Interi

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