Western Wall: Several hurt in Jerusalem shooting

Western Wall: Several hurt in Jerusalem shooting

1 minute, 1 second Read

By Anna Foster & David Gritten & Matt Murphy
BBC News, Jerusalem & London Image source, Getty Images Image caption, The bus chauffeur stated the shooter opened fire at the lorry and individuals on the street Eight individuals haveactually been injured after a Palestinian shooter opened fire at 2 areas in Jerusalem, authorities state. The enemy targeted a bus bring Jewish worshippers who had simply hoped at the Western Wall as well as individuals in a vehicle park near the holy website. Two of the injured are in a severe condition, consistingof a pregnant lady. UnitedStates people were amongst the victims. The gunman, recognized as a homeowner of occupied East Jerusalem, gotaway the scene however lateron turned himself in. Israeli cops stated he had a criminal record however no understood associations with Palestinian militant groups. They think that he acted alone, however they are worried that he may motivate copycat attacks. The motorist of the bus targeted by the shooter stated it hadactually been complete of guests coming from the Western Wall, the holiest location where Jews are permitted to pray, when it stopped at the Tomb of David station in the early hours of Sunday. “We opened the ramp for somebody on a wheelchair, and
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