Brex Layoffs

Brex Layoffs

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Building Brex

A Message from P.

A Message from Pedro

headshot photo of Pedro Franceschi

Pedro Franceschi


Jan 23, 2024

Jan 23, 2024

Today, Brex Founder and co-CEO Pedro Franceschi sentout the following note to Brex staffmembers:


Today we’re restructuring Brex to endedupbeing a high-velocity business. While our technique and objective stay the verysame, we’re making some essential modifications today that will boost the strength and quality of our execution.

Sadly as part of those modifications, 282 individuals (roughly 20% of the business) will be leaving Brex today. Henrique and I are accountable for the choices that led us here, and seeing so numerous gifted folks go through this experience is neverever what you hope for as a creator. It’s extremely hard to state goodbye, and we feel so grateful for their contributions structure Brex into what it is now. We’re doing what we can do to ease the shift, and leaving workers will get:

  • 8 weeks of severance, with 2 extra weeks of pay for each extra year of service.
  • Waiver of the 1year equity cliff for those who sanctuary’t reached theirs .
  • Outplacement assistance for task search help, and affected individuals will be able to keep their laptopcomputers to help with the shift.
  • Subsidized ongoing health protection for 6 months through COBRA, consistingof psychological health assistance.

I likewise desire to deal more context on how we got to this choice. Since beginning Brex in 2017, we’ve had one objective: deeply incorporating fintech and softwareapplication into a single platform that empowers groups to make muchbetter monetary choices. We began as a business card, and in 6 years, endedupbeing the leader in the invest management area. Today we’re proud to serve 1 in every 3 start-ups in the UnitedStates, 10s of thousands of companies from public launch to worldwide public business, and in 2023 alone, hundreds of thousands of brand-new clients’ workers that are now utilizing Brex to make muchbetter monetary choices.

To continue recording the enormous chance ahead, we’re hyper-focused on building a high-velocity item and development maker. Looking inward, I understood we grew our org too rapidly, making it moredifficult to relocation at the speed we assoonas did. This year, we chose to take a tough appearance at our present structure, and decrease the number of layers inbetween leaders and the real work that impacts clients. This resulted in today’s tough choice. In addi

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