Home Speaker Mike Johnson endures effort to oust him from management

Home Speaker Mike Johnson endures effort to oust him from management

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The U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to block Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's effort to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson. Johnson survived a motion to vacate filed by Greene, R-Ga., by a 359-43-7 floor vote. Photo by Annabelle Gordon/UPI.

1 of 5 | The U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to block Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s effort to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson. Johnson endured a movement to leave submitted by Greene, R-Ga., by a 359-43-7 flooring vote. Photo by Annabelle Gordon/UPI. | License Photo

May 8 (UPI) — House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., madeitthrough a movement to abandon submitted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., by a 359-43-7 flooring vote Wednesday.

The last vote efficiently quashed Greene’s movement to leave by tabling it and was commonly preparedfor as bulks of House Republicans and Democrats opposed the effort to eliminate Johnson as House Speaker.

“Hopefully, this is the end of the character politics and the unimportant character assassination that hasactually specified the 118th Congress,” Johnson stated after makingitthrough Greene’s ouster movement, Politico reported.

Greene and 10 other House Republicans voted versus tabling her movement for Johnson to abandon the speaker position, as did 32 House Democrats.

“The movement to leave effort was just a headline-grabbing, petty political stunt to sidetrack from our responsibilities and raise cash,” Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., published on X. “I’m thankful rationality extremely dominated.”

Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP candidate for president, in a Truth Social post matched Greene for having “spirit” however stated “Republicans have to be combating the radical-left Democrats and all the damage they haveactually done to our nation,” The Hill reported.

Trump stated now is the time for Republicans to program unity with the basic election simply 6 months

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