Prenatal Supplement Labels Not Always Accurate: U.S. Report

Prenatal Supplement Labels Not Always Accurate: U.S. Report

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Jan. 12, 2024 – The labels on prenatal supplements, frequently taken by individuals throughout pregnancy to promote maternal and fetal health, typically misstate the quantity of nutrients the item consistsof, according to a government report launched Thursday.

Experts from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a nonpartisan federalgovernment company supplying fact-based details to Congress, discovered that 11 of the 12 overthecounter supplements evaluated had at least one nutrient above or listedbelow the levels keptinmind on the labels. 

Of the 11 that had nutrients above or listedbelow the levels on the label, one item had an average quantity of folic acid that “may cause a health issue based on metrics developed by the Institute of Medicine [now the National Academy of Medicine],” the report stated.

Based on the findings, the GAO advises Congress reinforce the FDA’s oversight of dietary supplements, which are now managed not as drugs however as foods. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the FDA does not have the authority to authorize dietary supplements before they are offered. It can limit or recall items on the market if issues takeplace.

The company will not openly release the names of the brandnames it evaluated, stated Karen L. Howard, PhD, director of science and innovation evaluation for the GAO, who led the researchstudy. The company did release the complete list of brandnames and the complete test results to the FDA, she stated.

Report Details

For the analysis, the GAO contracted with an certified lab to test the 12 prenatal supplements picked. The analysis assessed levels of folic acid, iodine, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E. 

Other than folic acid, the other evaluated items did not consistof balance amounts of nutrients mostlikely to be a health issue, the report stated.

Of the 6 nutrients, the level of vitamin E differed the most amongst the items evaluated, with a variety of 28% to 332% of the quantity specified on the label. Vitamin A was most regularly discovered in amounts outside the appropriate discrepancies from the label worth, discovered in 9 of the 12 supplements.

The professionals likewise checked the supplements for heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. There were trace quantities of lead or cadmium in half of the items, however not in amounts mostlikely to be a health issue, according to the report. 

Because no federal statutory meaning exists for what a prenatal supplement is and what it oughtto consistof, makers are complimentary to choose which nutrients to in

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