The Dairy-Free Chocolate Bar We Can’t Stop Eating

The Dairy-Free Chocolate Bar We Can’t Stop Eating

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In the heart of Portland, Oregon, next-doorneighbors Gregory Gourdet, 2023 BA Best New Restaurant chef, and George Domurot, creator of Ranger Chocolate Co., are showing that distance can foster more than simply familiarity — it can cultivate continuous assistance, appreciation, and now chocolate. Their shared interest in commemorating heritage and dedication to Haitian cacao — and those who grow it — has brought them together for a tasty brand-new job 2 years in the making: the Caribbean Chocolate Bar.

“What does it mean to make a chocolate bar that puts the power of farming back in the hands of the individuals?” asks Gourdet. The pursuit of that response is at the heart of this cooperation. Haiti has a abundant history of cacao production, dating back to the 18th century when the nation was a leading exporter of the crop. However, political instability and natural catastrophes haveactually affected the market in current years. Despite these difficulties, Haitian cacao stays extremely relatedto for its special taste profile and the prospective it holds for supporting regional neighborhoods.

Ranger Chocolate Co. hasactually been utilizing Haitian cacao in all its chocolate giventhat2015 Partially because they like to source activeingredients inyourarea (Haiti is the United States’ closest exporter of cacao) and mostly because the cacao is extraordinary. “We were amongst the veryfirst to import from Northern Haiti,” states Domurot, who has roots in Puerto Rico. They work with ethical farming companies like PISA (Produits Des Iles SA), and Fair for Life to guarantee the cacao they import is not just some of the finest in th

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