Iced Cacao Chocolate

Iced Cacao Chocolate

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Iced Cacao Chocolate

By: WellBeing Team

To make a healthy iced cacao, you puton’t requirement lotsof components. This is one of the easiest and quickest raw cacao powder dishes.


  • 200mL milk or nut milk of option
  • 2-3 loaded tsp of Organic Merchant DUST cacao infusion of option
  • 1 tsp maple syrup or honey, according to taste
  • Ice cubes


  • Combine 50mL of milk with a tsp of DUST cacao infusion in a high glass.
  • Add some honey or maple syrup if you desire.
  • Stir/whisk completely to make paste.
  • Add ice cubes.
  • Pour the staying 150mL milk over the leading of the ice cubes.
  • Stir carefully to integrate.
  • Tip: Make coffee ice cubes by putting black coffee into ice trays and freezing them overnight. You can include those to the raw cacao powder dishes for a tasty energy increase.


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