FAA states innovation will aid prevent some hazardous landings

FAA states innovation will aid prevent some hazardous landings

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Federal authorities state they haveactually finished equipping 43 significant U.S. airports with innovation to caution air traffic controllers when inbound aircrafts are intended at a taxiway rather of a runway

WASHINGTON — Federal authorities stated Wednesday they haveactually finished equipping 43 significant U.S. airports with innovation to alert when inbound airplanes are intended at a taxiway rather of a runway.

The Federal Aviation Administration stated the system’s softwareapplication anticipates when a aircraft is lined up to land on a taxiway and sendsout an alert to air-traffic controllers.

None of the current close calls inbetween airplanes haveactually included airplane lined up improperly to land on a taxiway, however that type of mistake almost resulted in catastrophe at San Francisco International Airport in 2017.

The National Transportation Safety Board suggested the innovation modification after the Sa

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