Martellus Bennett implicated the Bears of shamelessly offering 1985 fondmemories in honest tirade

Martellus Bennett implicated the Bears of shamelessly offering 1985 fondmemories in honest tirade

Martellus Bennett may haveactually been a Pro Bowl-caliber tight end in his NFL primetime, however he’s mostlikely most understood for informing it like it is. He’s a guy who is neverever scared to speak the fact and state what’s on his mind out in the open. That’s why his newest (kind of random?) tirade about the Chicago Bears strikes especially close to home.

On Sunday, the Bears may have withstood quickly the most awkward loss of the Matt Eberflus period. Despite a videogame that they regulated for approximately 57 minutes over the competitor Detroit Lions — where they held a 12-point lead with simply about 3 minutes staying — the Bears lost. Through 9 NFC North videogames, the meat and potatoes of any bog requirement NFL schedule, Eberflus’ version of the league’s charter franchise stays winless in its department. (Note: The Bears have not won a department videogame because Thanksgiving 2021, a.k.a. nearly 2 complete calendar years.)

It appears this Bears defeat lit a fire under Bennett, who played 3 seasons in Chicago from 2013 to2015 He took to Twitter to implicate Bears management — specifically, owner George McCaskey and any oaf lackey he pays to inform him “yes” — of brazenly selling fondmemories to the Chicago fanbase for years. (Note: The “try-hard-on-defense and hustle” Eberflus is McCaskey’s 4th head-coaching hire giventhat2013 They are on track to fire him and hire a 5th in January 2024.) Rather than play a brandname of contemporary football that is favorable to winning in the 21st century, Bennett stated the Bears are material with mass-marketing a bygone age of when they were excellent and were the NFL’s gold requirement duetothefactthat that would interfere with what they view as the company’s hard guy “brand.”

I extremely desire you to read every piece of this tirade, of which I will share a coupleof crucial excerpts. (Note: There are some NSFW language components.) Indeed, Bennett informed not one lie about a franchise that utilized to own the NFL’s throne every year however is now material with so much less.

Bears ownership doesnothave futurism. The whole company design is developed on selling the past. The 85 bears. They’re constantly attempting to recreate that old item rather of purchasing into and producing a brand-new item.

— Martellus Bennett (@MartysaurusRex) November 19, 2023

Yes, yes, YES.

As a Chicago native, I can’t inform you how typically previous 1985 Bears are paraded around regional media. This is something that I suspect the Bears as

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