How to Make Air-Fryer Chicken Tenders Just as Crispy as Your Favorite Fast Food Joint

How to Make Air-Fryer Chicken Tenders Just as Crispy as Your Favorite Fast Food Joint

3 minutes, 9 seconds Read

When we longfor crispy chicken tenders however puton’t desire to deep fry at home, there’s just one approach that can compare (and cut out a lot of grease!): air-fryer chicken tenders.

A great chicken tender is specified by 2 aspects: wet chicken and a crackled, crispy outside that holds on to dipping sauce. In any shape and size, they’ll bring smiles to the whole table—especially when paired with air-fryer french frenchfries. Great for supper, lunch or a treat, these air-fryer chicken tenders are low-calorie and have less fat thanks to the air fryer.

This is a fast dish (just 30 minutes!) with little clean-up. Pick out your preferred French fry dip and let’s go!

Air-Fryer Chicken Tenders Ingredients

  • Chicken tenderloins: Using just the most tender part of the breast (sometimes called “the nugget”), you have a completely sized, wet piece of meat that needs no preparation. If you purchase bonus and freeze them, usage ’em up in these other chicken tenderloin dishes.
  • Panko bread crumbs: The gold requirement of breadcrumbs, panko is made from crustless bread, resulting in big crisp flakes that fry wonderfully.
  • Garlic powder: For a more equally seasoned finish, usage garlic powder rather of minced garlic cloves.

Air-Fryer Chicken Tenders Recipe


Air-Fryer Chicken Tenders IngredientsTMB Studio

  • 1 pound chicken tenderloins
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup skilled bread crumbs
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 big eggs, space temperaturelevel


Step 1: Prepare the air fryer

Set the air fryer to 400°F and permit it to preheat as you prepare the chicken.

Step 2: Prepare the chicken

Chicken pieces layered with mixtureTMB Studio

Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper, set aside.

Set up 3 bowls. In the veryfirst bowl, integrate the bread crumbs, garlic powder and paprika. In the 2nd bowl, whisk the eggs actually well upuntil entirely integrated. Leave the 3rd bowl empty.

Using your less dominant hand, dip a chicken tender into the egg wash, shake it off and then location into the bowl with the bread crumbs. Use your dominant hand to toss extra breadcrumbs from the bowl on top of the tender, and then gently press them onto the chicken so they adhere. Place the chicken in the empty meal at the end and start onceagain.

Editor’s Tip: By just utilizing one hand to dealwith the raw chicken and egg, the other stays tidy and able to toss the breadcrumbs quickly.

Step 3: Fry the chicken

Chicken Tenders Frying in a black panTMB Studio

Place the chicken in a single layer on a greased tray in the air-fryer basket. Spray the leading of the chicken with cooking spray. Cook 7 to 8 minutes before turning the tenders over and duplicating on the other side. The objective is a golden brown covering and no pinkness left in the chicken. If you test a tender and discover pinkness, return the tenders to the fryer for another one to 2 minutes per side.

Recipe Variations

  • Add cheese: Add Parmesan to the chicken breading for a tacky, umami-rich method to raise a easy tender.
  • Spice things up: Cajun chicken tenders offer the nuggets a kick of heat when you’re looking for a little something additional. Simply include homemade cajun spices to the bread crumb mix.
  • Get saucy: Finger-licking great tenders might constantly usage some hot sauce to heat things up (these are our preferred hot sauce brandnames to stock up on). Air fry the chicken tenders as regular and then coat them in sauce. Serve with plenty of napkins!

How to Store Air-Fryer Chicken Tenders

To keep your chicken tenders crispy and fresh, layer them in airtight containers with paper towels inbetween the layers. They’ll last 4 to 5 days in the fridge. When allset to consume, merely reheat them in the air fryer for 2 to 3 minutes per side to recrisp the breading.

How to Freeze Air-Fryer Chicken Tenders

Making a huge batch of

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