Pro-weed groups put heat on govt

Pro-weed groups put heat on govt

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Some growers, nevertheless, back harder legal stand People check out bongs at Nonthaburi Green Market 2023 in Nonthaburi last year. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu) The federalgovernment is dealingwith increasing pressure from pro-cannabis groups which are threatening to rally at the Ministry of Public Health from Thursday till the ministry can show that marijuana isworthyof to be reclassified as a narcotic drug. In the meantime, groups of farmers certified to grow marijuana plants giventhat before the decriminalisation of marijuana in 2022, on Sunday backed the federalgovernment’s vow to reclassify marijuana as a narcotic drug onceagain. They state the legalisation of marijuana growing has led to a high fall in marijuana rates due to oversupply of the item which was when strictly managed. When the pro-cannabis groups collect at the ministry, they will ask for just one thing — that the ministry reveals clinically the advantages and health dangers of marijuana in contrast to alcohol and cigarettes, stated Prasitchai Nunual, secretary-general of the Cannabis Future Network. No matter whether the ministry intends to completely or partly reclassify marijuana as a narcotic, the choice oughtto be supported with clinical proof, he stated. The ministry will be offered 15 days to show its point and if it can encourage the pro-cannabis groups, they would bow to the ministry’s policy to relist marijuana as a narcotic drug, he stated. “Just search on the web and you will discover that [unlike alcohol and tob
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