Q1 uptick associated to payment defaults Mortgage offers are provided at a previous edition of Money Expo. Mr Surapol stated banks haveactually been progressively strict in authorizing brand-new loans to control credit threat in light of the existing financial conditions. Money Expo Facebook The National Credit Bureau (NCB) tape-recorded a 15% boost in total non-performing loans (NPLs) in the veryfirst quarter of this year, mostly driven by vehicle and homemortgage loan payment defaults. The NCB’s information for the veryfirst quarter of 2024 exposes a increase in NPLs to 1.09 trillion baht, mainly led by vehicle NPLs, which leapt by 32% to 240 billion baht, followed by realestate NPLs, which increased by 18% to 1.99 billion baht. Additionally, loans categorised as unique reference (SM) — those with a financialobligation default duration goingbeyond 30 days however not goingbeyond 90 days — likewise saw an uptick, reaching 644 billion baht in the veryfirst quarter, a 7.3% year-on-year boost. The rise was sustained by realestate SMs, which amounted to approximately 187 billion baht, marking a 15% boost, and vehicle SMs amountingto 204 billion baht, representing a 7.1% increase. Meanwhile, credit card SMs rose to 11.7 billion baht, up 32.4% from the verysame quarter of last year, partly associated to the current change in the
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