Republicans state Biden’s America is awash in immigrant-driven criminaloffense. What do the information state?

Republicans state Biden’s America is awash in immigrant-driven criminaloffense. What do the information state?

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One after another, Republican leaders painted a alarming image of America from the Republican National Convention phase in Milwaukee on Tuesday, recommending the country is awash in violent criminalactivity driven by an “invasion” of “illegal aliens” and “Chinese fentanyl” at the southern border.

Echoing numerous of the night’s other speakers, House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana stated Republicans were the “law-and-order group,” while President Biden and Democrats intent on a “borderless, lawless” future were accountable for “dramatic increases” in violence and drugs in the nation.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas stated that “every damn day,” Americans are eliminated and raped by prohibited immigrants that Democrats let into the nation. “Every damn day,” the crowd shouted back in a chorus.

The criminaloffense photo in the United States is much more nuanced than recommended, according to federal and state information, which differ throughout the nation and from city to city.

For example, Los Angeles authorities in January promoted a big drop in violent criminaloffense in 2023, compared with the year previous — with killings down 17% and shootings down 10%, according to Los Angeles authorities information.

But simply last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom stated he would quadruple the number of California Highway Patrol shifts in Oakland, where city information last year revealed violent criminalactivity had increased 21%, burglary by 38% and lorry theft 43%.

The clearest current pattern in nationwide criminaloffense information — which Democrats have mentioned to rebut the Republican declares and which Republicans dismiss as deceptive — is that violent criminalactivity is down.

Jeff Asher, a criminaloffense expert and co-founder of AH Datalytics, hasactually studied nationwide criminaloffense patterns for years. In an interview with The Times, he stated the Republican talking points about increasing violent criminaloffense “would haveactually been muchbetter in 2021 and 2022 than they are in 2023 and 2024.”

Violent criminalactivity — consistingof murders — did boost, and considerably, in those earlier years amidst the social turmoil associated with the COVI

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