International Day of Democracy 2024: Theme, history and significance

International Day of Democracy 2024: Theme, history and significance

Every year on September 15, individuals around the world come together to commemorate the International Day of Democracy. This unique day was developed by the UN General Assembly in 2007 to promote and reinforce democratic worths.

Since its beginning in 2008, hundreds of occasions haveactually been held worldwide to mark this essential day. From image competitors to workshops for kids, live arguments to radio phone-ins, and conferences with civil society organisations, the imagination and interest haveactually been motivating.

International Day of Democracy: History

The International Day of Democracy has its roots in the International Conferences on New and Restored Democracies (ICNRD) procedure, which started in 1988 under the effort of President Corazon C. Aquino of the Philippines. This procedure intended to promote and assistance brand-new and broughtback democracies around the world.

In 1997, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) embraced the Universal Declaration on Democracy, which verifies the concepts of democracy and its workout. This statement served as a structure for the International Day of Democracy.

The 6th ICNRD conference, held in Doha, Qatar in 2006, strengthened the tripartite nature of the procedure, including federalgovernments, parliaments and civil society. The conference concluded with a statement and Plan of Action that declared the basic concepts and worths of democracy.

Following the ICNRD-6 conference, Qatar took the lead in promoting an International Day of Democracy. With the idea

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