Germany has stopped authorizing war weapons exports to Israel: Report

Germany has stopped authorizing war weapons exports to Israel: Report

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Germany dealswith installing pressure from legal cases arguing that German weapons exports to Israel breach humanitarian law.

Published On 19 Sep 2024

Germany has put a hold on brand-new exports of weapons of war to Israel while it offers with legal obstacles, according to the Reuters news firm.

A source close to the Ministry of Economy mentioned a senior federalgovernment authorities as stating it had stopped work on authorizing export licences for arms to Israel due to legal and political pressure from legal cases arguing that such exports from Germany breached humanitarian law.

The ministry has not reacted to demands for remark. However, the German federalgovernment did problem a declaration after the Reuters story was released.

“There is no German arms export boycott versus Israel,” federalgovernment representative Steffen Hebestreit stated.

Last year, Germany authorized arms exports to Israel worth 326.5 million euros ($363.5m), consistingof military devices and war weapons, a 10-fold boost from 2022, according to information from the Economy Ministry, which authorizes export licences.

However, approvals have dropped this year, with just 14.5 million euros worth ($16.1m) given from January to August 21, according to information offered by the Economy Ministry in action to a parliamentary concern.

Of this, the weapons of war classification accounted for just 32,449 euros ($36,016).

In its defence of 2 cases, one before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and one in Berlin brought by the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, the federalgovernment has stated no weapons of war haveactually been exported under any licence provided consideringthat the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, apart from spares for long-lasting agreements, the source included.

Israel’s attack on Gaza hasactually eliminated more than 41,000 Palest

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