4 Thais ‘duped into prostitution’ in Myanmar

4 Thais ‘duped into prostitution’ in Myanmar

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Women were guaranteed tasks in Tachileik however then taken to town near Chinese border released : 13 Jul 2023 at 17: 38 Two of 4 females deceived by an unlawful task broker to work as PR personnel however required to work as womanofthestreets in Myanmar appeal for aid. (Photo: CSI LA Facebook) Four Thai ladies in Myanmar have asked to be repatriated after stating they hadactually been deceived by an unlawful task broker on TikTok to work as PR personnel however were required to work as womanofthestreets. The story emerged after a video published on the Ninja Today Facebook fan page on Wednesday revealed 2 Thai ladies asking for assistance to bring them back house. “Help us, please. We desire to come back house. We were dupped to work in Myanmar,” one of the females stated tearfully. “We haveactually gottenintouchwith every Thai federalgovernment firm that we understand of, however noone assisted us. They just informed us to wait. Please aid us.” The video description mentioned that the female was from Ubon Ratchathani and that she and 3 of
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