Afghan school year begins with no classes

Afghan school year begins with no classes

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No public statement of brand-new term made, all women disallowed in any case released : 21 Mar 2023 at 15: 22 A employee cleansup the path at Esteqlal High School in Kabul on Tuesday. (Photo: AFP)
 KABUL: Afghanistan’s schools resumed on Tuesday for the brand-new scholastic year, however no classes were held as trainees were uninformed of the start and hundreds of thousands of teenage women stay disallowed from participatingin class. Afghanistan is the just nation in the world where ladies are restricted from going to secondary school. Taliban authorities haveactually enforced an austere analysis of Islam giventhat storming to power in August 2021 after the withdrawal of the US-led foreign forces that backed the previous federalgovernments. The education ministry made no public statement of the resuming of schools, anumberof instructors and authorities informed AFP. “A letter provided by the minister of education was provided to us by our principal to resume the school today, however consideringthat no public statement was made, no trainees came,” stated Mohammad Osman Atayi, a instructor at the Saidal Naseri Boys
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