After split with NYC July 4 hot pet competitors, Joey Chestnut heads to army base occasion in Texas

After split with NYC July 4 hot pet competitors, Joey Chestnut heads to army base occasion in Texas

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NEW YORK — Competitive eater Joey “Jaws” Chestnut will take his hot dog-downing skills to an army base in Texas for America’s Independence Day this year after a falling out with organizers of the occasion that made him popular, the yearly 4th of July consuming contest in Brooklyn’s Coney Island.

Chestnut, of Indiana, will complete versus soldiers in Fort Bliss, in El Paso, in a 5-minute hot petdog consuming contest. That’s rather of the 10-minute Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July hot pet consuming contest, where he completed versus the world’s top competitive eaters consideringthat 2005 and hadn’t lost giventhat2015 In 2021 he set the present record of 76 hot canines, in 10 minutes.

Organizers of that occasion atfirst stated he couldn’t goto due to a sponsorship dispute, which Chestnut stated included a offer with Impossible Foods, which makes plant-based hot pets.

Chestnut stated he was “ gutted ” he couldn’t contend in the occasion in Coney Island, where he stated he enjoyed the environment and the sometimes-sweltering crowds.

“Those individuals haveactually been sitting in the sun, waiting. They understand what to anticipate. And they’re not stunned. They’re cheering and shouting and pressing me,” Chestnut stated Thursday in a phone interview.

But Chestnut states he’s not going to sit home and do absolutelynothing. And he’s enthusiastic the soldiers will push him to carryout. Fearful of being “lazy” in competitors with novices, the seasonal world champ will tr

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