Bristol stabbing: Teenager passesaway after Rawnsley Park attack

Bristol stabbing: Teenager passesaway after Rawnsley Park attack

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Image source, Ben Birchall/PA Wire Image caption, Avon and Somerset Police haveactually released a murder examination By Jasmine Ketibuah-Foley BBC News, West of England A murder examination hasactually been introduced after a 16-year-old kid was stabbed to death. The teen was assaulted before 18: 00 GMT on Wednesday by 2 individuals using masks in Rawnsley Park in Bristol. The victim ran to Stapleton Road, where a vehicledriver helped him, before he collapsed in West Street, Old Market, and passedaway at the scene. Police officers had boosted stop and search powers authorised for 24 hours from 17: 00 on Thursday. This permits them to search individuals for weapons without requiring affordable suspicion, and ask them to getridof any face coverings. While official recognition of the victim has not yet taken location, Avon and Somerset Police (ASP) stated his household hadactually been notified. Image caption, Police are bring out increased patrols following the attack Shop employees Essie Zadeh and Anne Pashaliska stated they saw a van pull up to aid the teen, who was lying on the ground. Ms
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