China looksfor purchasers for brand-new traveler jet

China looksfor purchasers for brand-new traveler jet

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C919 showcased to potential clients in Hong Kong as option to Boeing and Airbus designs Airport employees collect near a Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (Comac) C919 guest jet ahead of a event at Hong Kong International Airport on Wednesday. The C919 is arranged to conduct a low-altitude flyby over Victoria Harbour on Saturday. (Photo: Bloomberg) HONG KONG – The Chinese maker Comac took its C919 medium-range jet exterior of mainland China for the veryfirst time on Wednesday, proving off the single-aisle guest airplane to prospective airlinecompany consumers in Hong Kong. Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd, as Comac is formally understood, means for the 168-seat airplane to ultimately competitor Boeing and Airbus narrow-body airplanes. While just 3 C919s are operating commercially, the business states it has got 1,061 orders from more than 30 Chinese providers and lessors. The C919 will remain in Hong Kong till Sunday as part of Comac’s tries to display the design to a larger worldwide audience. The promo will consistof a flyby over Victoria Harbour at 10.30am on Saturday. To mark the airplane’s arrival, Hong Kong International Airport hosted a event attende
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