Choice to take ‘vacation’ expense fugitive his liberty

Choice to take ‘vacation’ expense fugitive his liberty

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Sources recount the occasions leading up to the capture of ‘Sia Paeng Nanod’ on Bali Fugitive Chaowalit “Sia Paeng Nanod” Thongduang was foundedguilty in absentia of tried murder and will face a murder charge when he is brought back to Thailand. (Photo Supplied) Seven months after detainee Chaowalit Thongduang, alias “Sia Paeng Nanod”, left while being taken to a healthcarefacility in Nakhon Si Thammarat for oral care, he has lastly been captured by cops in a hideout in Indonesia. The prominent fugitive, who hasactually been foundedguilty of tried murder, was apprehended on Thursday earlymorning in Bali while on holiday there. He had utilized a phony Indonesian ID card when takingatrip by air to the resort island. Chaowalit may have stayed totally off the Thai cops’s radar screen and might haveactually takenpleasurein his flexibility a little longer had he not resumed dealing drugs while in hiding in Indonesia. According to the cops examination, Chaowalit had sealed a 2-million-baht drug offer with a regional drug gang while in Medan in mid-May. The purchaser owed him 2 million baht and hadactually provided up a member, recognized just as Chawala, as security to Chaowalit to be held captive upuntil the gang discovered sufficient cash to pay off the financialobligation. The Indonesian captive was apprehended in a home in tambon Tha Khae in Muang district of Narathiwat, along with 2 Thai interpreters. A woman authorities officer, connected to Provincial Police Region 9 and thought to haveactually been close to Chaowalit, selected up the 3 when they showedup in the southern province an
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