‘Eyesore’ Prince Philip statue should go, states council

‘Eyesore’ Prince Philip statue should go, states council

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A council hasactually purchased the elimination of an “eyesore” sculpture 10 years after it was declined preparation consent. The four-metre (13ft) bronze figure honors Prince Philip’s 35 years as chancellor of Cambridge University. Planners have informed residentialorcommercialproperty company Unex that the £150,000 statue, called The Don, on the city’s Hills Road, appears to breach preparation control. Cambridge City Council stated the company had upuntil 11 April to lodge an appeal versus an enforcement notification. The notification hasactually been directed at Unex – plus a law company and a residentialorcommercialproperty management business. It stated there appeared to haveactually been a “breach of preparation control” and the sculpture was “unauthorised” and needto be gottenridof by August. The Cambridgeshire-based Unex Group hasactually been approached by the BBC for remark. The Don appeared on land at Charter House last year, the council stated on Wednesday. The authority stated formerly it was “not clear precisely when the artefact was commissioned or when it was finished, however it hasactually been in storage inyourarea for some time.” The authority protected the rejection of preparation approval, external for the sculpture, stating “the setup of the proposed artefact ‘The Don’
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