Farm item cost plans prepared

Farm item cost plans prepared

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PUBLISHED : 28 Oct 2023 at 08: 13 Cassava is gathered in the fields. Mr Keerati states a nationwide committee hasactually thoughtabout procedures such as supplying loans and interest rate payment for stockpiling. The Commerce Ministry is preparing steps to stabilise the rates of secret farming items, consistingof rice, cassava, maize for animal feed and palm oil, as these items are poised to getin the market. According to irreversible commerce secretary Keerati Rushchano, all assistance steps will be proposed and thoughtabout by the cabinet, for approval within November. “The ministry is notifying farmers who cultivate important farming items such as rice, cassava, animal feed maize and oil palm that they requirement not concern about the lack of rate stabilisation steps as output starts to gointo the market,” he stated. “Even though there are no longer cost intervention programs such as
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