Hamas reacts to ceasefire offer with 135-day truce strategy

Hamas reacts to ceasefire offer with 135-day truce strategy

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Image source, Reuters Image caption, Hamas is requiring the complete withdrawal of Israeli soldiers from Gaza in a counteroffer to a UnitedStates and Israel-backed ceasefire proposition By Ido Vock & Lyse Doucet BBC News Hamas hasactually laid out a series of needs, consistingof exchanging captives for Palestinian detainees and restoring Gaza, in reaction to an Israel-backed ceasefire proposition. The equipped group desires a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces and an end to the war after 3 45-day truce durations. The deal is mostlikely to be inappropriate to Israel’s prime minister, who hasactually called for “total triumph” in Gaza. The concern is whether a middle ground can be reached to relocation the procedure on. Hamas’s reaction is a counteroffer to a ceasefire proposition backed by Israel and the UnitedStates and moderated by Qatar and Egypt – information of which have not been made public. A draft of the Hamas file seen by the Reuters news firm recommends: Phase one: A 45-day timeout in combating throughout which all Israeli females captives, males under 19, the senior and ill would be exchanged for Palestinian ladies and kids held in Israeli prisons. Israeli forces would withdraw from inhabited locations of Gaza, and the restoration of healthcarefacilities and refugee camps would beginPhase 2: Remaining male Israeli captives would be exchanged for Palestinian detainees and Israeli forces leave Gaza completelyPhase 3: Both sides would exchange stays and bodiesThe offer would likewise see shipment of food and other help to Gaza
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