Initial election results program Mongolian People’s Party in the lead

Initial election results program Mongolian People’s Party in the lead

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Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene states triumph in the nation’s parliamentary elections however the opposition makes considerable gains.

Published On 28 Jun 2024

The governing Mongolian People’s Party kept a slim bulk in the nation’s parliament with the opposition Democratic Party making significant gains, according to initial results reported early Saturday.

Mongolia’s Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene stated early success in parliamentary elections controlled by deepening public anger over corruption and the state of the economy.

The prime minister informed a news conference in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, his governing celebration won a bulk in the 126-seat body. “According to the pre-results, the Mongolian People’s Party [MPP] has 68 to 70 seats,” he stated.

With 99 percent of the vote counted, tallies by Mongolian media show the opposition Democratic Party won about 40 seats – a huge dive from2020 The results show opposition celebrations haveactually been able to capitalise on citizen discontent and consume into the governing celebration’s bulk.

“Through this election, individuals provided their examination on the past policy errors of the judgment celebration,” stated Democratic Party leader Gantumur Luvsannyam.

The MPP is the follower to the communist celebration that ruled Mongolia with an iron grip for nearly 70 years. It stays popular – especially amongst rural, older citizens – and commands a stretching, acrossthecountry project device.

Meanwhile, results tallied by regional media outlet Ikon revealed the small anticorruption HUN celebration won 8 seats. The votes will be counted by hand on Saturday to makesure precision, after which an authorities outcome is anticipated.

‘New page in democracy’

On Friday, individuals throughout the huge, sparsely inhabited country of 3.4 million, sandwiched inbetween China and Russia, voted to choose 126 members of th

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