Italian Premier Meloni explains Putin’s cease-fire deal for Ukraine as ‘propaganda’

Italian Premier Meloni explains Putin’s cease-fire deal for Ukraine as ‘propaganda’

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BORGO EGNAZIA, Italy — Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni on Saturday dismissed a cease-fire deal for Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin as “propaganda,” as she covered up a Group of Seven top that saw a offer reached for a $50 billion loan to Ukraine.

The loan will be offered by the U.S., U.K., Canada and perhaps Japan, Meloni stated. The frozen Russian possessions to be utilized as security are primarily in Europe, “so Europe is currently contributing by recognizing the warranty system,” she included.

The loan arrangement was reached at the opening Thursday of the two-day yearly conference of leaders from the G7 nations of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States in southern Italy’s Puglia area.

Asked about Putin’s cease-fire proposition, Meloni stated it “seems to me more like a propaganda relocation than a genuine one.”

The Russian president stated Friday he would “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and start settlements if Kyiv starts withdrawing soldiers from the 4 areas Moscow annexed in 2022 and renounces prepares to signupwith NATO.

“If President Putin’s proposition is: We are ready to have a peace settlement if Ukraine acknowledges the intrusion of Ukraine and offers up the inhabited parts … doesn’t appear especially reliable to me as a proposition,” Meloni stated.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was one of numerous world leaders who wentto the G7 as a visitor, has turneddown what he called an demand by Putin to surrender more area.

Switzerland was hosting a peace conference for Ukraine Saturday, although with Russia remaining away, it was uncertain whether any significant developments might be reached.

During the news conference, Meloni was asked about the Israel-

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