Japanese authorities raid a factory making health supplements connected to 5 deaths

Japanese authorities raid a factory making health supplements connected to 5 deaths

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Japanese federalgovernment health authorities are raiding a factory that produces health supplements they state haveactually eliminated at least 5 individuals and hospitalized more than 100 others

ByYURI KAGEYAMA Associated Press

TOKYO — Japanese federalgovernment health authorities robbed a factory Saturday producing health supplements that they state haveactually eliminated at least 5 individuals and hospitalized more than 100 others.

About a lots individuals using dark matches solemnly strolled into the Osaka plant of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. in the raid revealed commonly on Japanese TELEVISION news, consistingof public broadcaster NHK.

The business states little is understood about the precise cause of the illness, which consistof kidney failure. An examination into the items is underway in cooperation with federalgovernment health authorities.

The supplements all utilized “benikoji,” a kind of red mold. Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals’ pink tablets called Benikoji Choleste Help were billed as assisting lower cholesterol levels.

Kobayashi Pharm

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