Justice Department charges almost 200 individuals in $2.7 billion health care scams plans crackdown

Justice Department charges almost 200 individuals in $2.7 billion health care scams plans crackdown

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WASHINGTON — Nearly 200 individuals haveactually been charged in a sweeping acrossthecountry crackdown on health care scams plans with incorrect declares topping $2.7 billion, the Justice Department stated on Thursday.

Attorney General Merrick Garland revealed the charges versus medicalprofessionals, nurse professionals and others throughout the U.S. implicated of a range of rip-offs, consistingof a $900 million plan in Arizona targeting passingaway clients.

“It does not matter if you are a trafficker in a drug cartel or a business executive or medical expert used by a health care business,” Garland informed pressreporters. “If you earnings from the illegal circulation of regulated compounds, you will be held responsible.”

In the Arizona case, districtattorneys haveactually implicated 2 owners of injury care business of accepting more than $330 million in kickbacks as part of a plan to fraudulently costs Medicare for amniotic injury grafts, which are dressings to aid recover injuries.

Nurse professionals were pressured to use the injury grafts to senior clients who didn’t requirement them, consistingof individuals in hospice care, the Justice Department stated. Some clients passedaway the day they got the grafts or within days, court documents state.

In less than 2 years, more than $900 million in phony declares were sent to Medicare for grafts that were utilized on less than 500 clients, districtattorneys stated.

The owners of the injury care business, Alexandra Gehrke and Jeffrey King, were detained this month a

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