Law enforcement raids Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’s residentialorcommercialproperties

Law enforcement raids Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’s residentialorcommercialproperties

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Properties linked to rapartist Sean “Diddy” Combs were robbed on Monday by federal representatives. The Department of Homeland Security stated it had pursued the “law enforcement actions as part of an continuous examination” in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. Two residentialorcommercialproperties were browsed in Los Angeles and Miami as part of the probe. Officials did not define the factors for the raids or whether they were connected to Mr Combs. Several current suits haveactually implicated Mr Combs of sexual misbehavior. In a declaration, legalrepresentatives for Mr Combs stated the allegations versus him were “meritless” and explained the raids as a “gross overuse of military-level force”. On Monday, Homeland Security Investigations representatives were carryingout their operations in the 17,000 square foot estate where Mr Combs revealed his mostcurrent album release last September. The address of the home is associated with Mr Combs’ Bad Boy Films production business. Located in the rich Los Angeles area of Holmby Hills, the location
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