long, Internet Explorer. The internetbrowser retires today

long, Internet Explorer. The internetbrowser retires today

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SAN FRANCISCO — Internet Explorer is lastly headed out to pasture.

As of Wednesday, Microsoft will no longer assistance the once-dominant webbrowser that legions of web websurfers enjoyed to hate — and a coupleof still claim to love. The 27-year-old application now signsupwith BlackBerry phones, dial-up modems and Palm Pilots in the dustbin of tech history.

IE’s death was not a surprise. A year ago, Microsoft stated that it was putting an end to Internet Explorer on June 15, 2022, pressing users to its Edge webbrowser, which was released in2015

The business made clear then it was time to relocation on.

“Not just is Microsoft Edge a quicker, more protected and more contemporary searching experience than Internet Explorer, however it is likewise able to address a secret issue: compatibility for older, tradition sites and applications,” Sean Lyndersay, basic supervisor of Microsoft Edge Enterprise, composed in a May 2021 blogsite post.

Users significant Exp

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