‘Madame Dear’ leads prospects for Democrat management: survey

‘Madame Dear’ leads prospects for Democrat management: survey

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PUBLISHED : 3 Dec 2023 at 10: 29 Watanya Bunnag, familiarly understood as Madame Dear, showsup at the Democrat Party headoffice on Wednesday last week when she revealed her choice to run for the celebration management. (Photo: Wichan Charoenkiatpakul) Watanya Bunnag, familiarly understood as Madame Dear, leads other figures with the possible to endedupbeing the leader of the Democrat Party in an viewpoint study performed by National Institute of Development Administration, or Nida Poll. The election of the celebration’s executive committee, consistingof the celebration leader, is arranged for Dec 9. The survey was brought out on Nov 28-30 by telephone interviews with 1,310 individuals aged 18 and over of different levels of education, professions and earnings throughout the nation to puttogether their viewpoints on the Democrat Party, the nation’s earliest political celebration, which hasactually been pestered with internal rifts and a management crisis. The celebration has stoppedworking in 2 tries to hold a basic assembly to choose a brand-new executive committe
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