Millennial Money: So you got a raise? Here’s what to do with the cash

Millennial Money: So you got a raise? Here’s what to do with the cash

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Whether it’s a 5% boost or a 20% bump, a pay raise at work is an chance to take charge of your monetary concerns. A little raise may not appear like much when it’s broken down into a biweekly income, however over time, that distinction in earnings might supply a increase to your wayoflife or be put towards other monetary objectives.

Whether you choose to pay off financialobligation, pad your security net, invest, provide back, enhance your quality of life or reward yourself, a raise is a great time to believe about the instructions of your monetary life.


Many individual financing professionals caution versus “lifestyle creep,” which is when you start to invest more as you make more. Lifestyle creep can take the kind of purchasing more benefits — like purchasing food in more typically — or purchasing more pricey or higher-quality products, like stronger treking boots or a muchbetter brandname of skin care items.

“If you get a raise and usage it to buy a brand-new automobile or a brand-new home or go out every weekend, your rate of costs may exceed your brand-new earnings,” states Mabel Nuñez, creator of the investing education website Girls on the Money.

Nuñez states that it’s great to benefit yourself, however she recommends customers to prevent purchasing more pricey things.

“Think about an cost that’s going to be a one-time purchase or something that’s going to make you muchbetter, like takingatrip someplace brand-new or taking a cooking class,” Nuñez states. “Don’t invest simply for the sake of costs.”

Once you’ve looked at your monetary circumstance, you may discover that it’s not in your finest interest to boost your costs on nonessentials. But if you’re sensation great about the status of your customer financialobligation and costsavings, then you may pick to invest more cash on things that will make life more satisfying.

For example, perhaps you’ve been cleaning meals by hand duetothefactthat you puton’t have a dishwashingmachine or yours is broken. You might put part of your raise towards a brand-new device that’s goi

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