Millions to get veryfirst cost-of-living payment from 14 July

Millions to get veryfirst cost-of-living payment from 14 July

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Image source, Getty Images The veryfirst of 2 payments to aid the poorest homes with the expense of living will hit individuals’s bank accounts from 14 July, the federalgovernment states. More than 8 million UK houses on advantages will get £326 by the end of July, with a 2nd payment of £324 set to follow in the fall. It comes as part of a £37bn federalgovernment bundle to assistance households as energy, food and fuel costs skyrocket. The customer group Which? stated the money would “bring relief to numerous”. But policy director Rocio Concha included: “The success of these steps will eventually be evaluated by whether monetary aid is getting to the most susceptible in time to aid them through this cost-of-living crisis.” Inflation – the rate at which rates increase – is presently at a 40-year high as the war in Ukraine and the pandemic push up the expense of daily fundamentals. How is the increasing expense of living impacting you? Send us your remarks and concerns. In May, the energy regulator Ofgem stated the normal home energy expense was set to increase by £800 in October, taking it to £2,800 a year. Bill
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