Nectec, firms roll out Open ThaiGPT

Nectec, firms roll out Open ThaiGPT

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Project to offer chat-based assistant Open ThaiGPT is influenced from ChatGPT established by OpenAI. The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Nectec) has teamed up with 3 organisations to launch the Open ThaiGPT job, which is a next-generation type of synthetic intelligence (AI) utilizing the Thai language. The 3 organisations are the Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur Association of Thailand (AIEAT), the Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand (AIAT) and the NSTDA Supercomputer Center (ThaiSC). The Open ThaiGPT task provides a customisable chat-based assistant with cuttingedge AI innovation and the ability of understanding the Thai language. It is to be dispersed as a totallyfree, open source and customisable softwareapplication plan. The job would soft launch the Open ThaiGPT 0.1.0 -alpha in May. This release is capable of answering concerns, maker translation, detailed description, paraphrasing, system conversion, coding tip and mathematical sorting. Version 1.0 of the ThaiGPT will offered by June of this year. The datasets utilized in this task come from openly offered sources. One of the present information donators is As constantly, with the Personal Data Protection Act guidelines
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