Paper headings: ‘Do something’ as ‘millions face energy hardship’

Paper headings: ‘Do something’ as ‘millions face energy hardship’

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By BBC News
Staff Image caption, News that the energy cost cap will increase 80% to £3,549 from October controls Saturday’s documents. The Financial Times states whoever endsupbeing the next prime minister will face a spiralling expense of living crisis that might plunge millions of families into hardship. Image caption, The Times states the worst is yet to come, with projections recommending the cap might increase as high as £7,000 by April, and reports that Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi hasactually endedupbeing the veryfirst senior minister to recommend homes oughtto cut their energy usage. It likewise states inflation might stay high till September next year and that the Bank of England will face pressure to evenmore boost interest rates. Image caption, The rate increases will cause preventable deaths unless the federalgovernment stepsin, reports the Guardian. The paper brings cautions from charities that single momsanddads will be costs practically 2 thirds of their earnings after realestate expenses on energy, while the poorest
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