Media caption, Council election results ‘incredible result’, state Sturgeon The SNP has onceagain completed as the mostsignificant celebration in the Scottish council elections – with Labour completing 2nd after the Conservatives suffered huge losses. Party leader Douglas Ross stated he thought public anger over Partygate had played a huge part. More than 1,200 councillors haveactually been chosen throughout the nation’s 32 councils. Each council is divided into smallersized locations understood as wards, with every ward choosing up to 5 councillors. The SNP tape-recorded strong results in numerous locations of the nation, increasing its overall number of councillors by 22 to453 The celebration won 15 of the 29 seats to take manage of Dundee and acquired 4 seats in neighbouring Angus to endedupbeing the biggest celebration from Labour. SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, the nation’s veryfirst minister, stated the outcome was a “quite unbelievable result” for her celebration after 15 years in federalgovernment. She included: “We have not just won the election – an 8th successive election success consideringthat I’ve been leader – however won it extremely. “We haveactually increased our share of the vote and the number of councillors we have and I believe we’re going to be the biggest celebration in more councils than priorto.” Counting total. After 32 of 32 councils stated. IndependentCouncils total 3Councils change 0Councillors total 152Councillors change -15 Scottish National PartyCouncils total 1Councils change +1Councillors total 453Councillors change +22 LabourCouncils total 1Councils change +1Councillors total 282Councillors change +20 ConservativeCouncils total 0Councils change 0Councillors total 214Councillors change -63 Liberal DemocratCouncils total 0Councils change 0Councillors total 87Councillors change +20 GreenCouncils total 0Councils change 0Councillors total 35Councillors change +16 Post-election VacancyCouncils total 0Councils change 0Councillors total 3Councillors change 0 No Overall
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