Shapps deserted Ukraine journey over security

Shapps deserted Ukraine journey over security

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Grant Shapps aborted a journey to southern Ukraine last week for “security factors”, the UK defence ministry stated. The defence secretary had to scrap his checkout to Odesa last week after UK intelligence supposedly alerted Russia hadactually endedupbeing mindful of his travel strategies. Mr Shapps was due to travel to Odesa a day after a rocket hit the city while the Ukrainian president and the Greek prime minister were checkingout. Five individuals were eliminated in the strike, Ukrainian authorities stated. Mr Shapps had tookatrip on an overnight train from Poland to Ukraine, accompanied by chief of the defence personnel, Adm Sir Tony Radakin, and a little group of British authorities. The goal of their journey was to satisfy Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky and senior members of his wartime administration. But havingactually gottenhere in Kyiv on 7 March, Mr Shapps’s onward journey to Odesa was cancelled quickly at the last minute, following fears su
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