Tech offers you requirement to understand: Melbourne-based start-up Sensand $6m from Robert Costa

Tech offers you requirement to understand: Melbourne-based start-up Sensand $6m from Robert Costa

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The Australian info Updated Jul 3, 2023 – 12.17pm, veryfirst released at 12.00pm Go to latestPinned post – 6.12PM – Jul 2, 2023 Welcome to the Funded blogsite – the house of tech offer news. For the finest part of the past years, The Australian Financial Review hasactually been reporting on the offers that have assisted shape the regional innovation start-up scene, taking news of capital raisings, brand-new endeavor capital funds, business sales and the odd IPO. This blogsite is the brand-new house on the site for news on the offers that are done, as quickly as we hear about them. We will post products on offers of all sizes, so readers can comprehend who hasactually been able to raise capital, who is putting their cash in, and what the business do. The Financial Review will still release full-length posts on some business raising capital, which program up on the financing index page here. However, in truth there are plenty of offers being done that our pressreporters have formerly not had time to cover, and they now have a area to shine. This blogsite will cover the huge offers, of course, however we plan it to endedupbeing an vital resource, where future “unicorns” will get their veryfirst Financial Review directexposure. Heard of a offer priorto we have? Then please let us understand, so we can inform the world, by emailing 12.16PM – Jul 3, 2023 Three regional atomic physicists bank $12m for their start-upA trio of atomic physicists from the Australian National University haveactually raised $12 million for their start-up, which develops miniaturised quantum sensingunits for mining, underground resources expedition and navigation. Christian Freier, Kyle Hardman and  Paul Wigley are the co-founders of quantum sensingunit start-up Nomad Atomics.  Nomad Atomics was established by Kyle Hardman, Paul Wigley and Christian Freier, who worked at ANU on a post-doctoral researchstudy job in accuracy measurement, a specificniche subfield of atomic physics that utilizes atoms to make accurate measurements of the world. In 2020, they raised $2 million in seed financing, however now have a fresh $10 million pre-series A round led by Blackbird Ventures with involvement from Right Click Capital. ANU is likewise a investor in the business. For the complete story click here. 6.12PM – Jul 2, 2023 Melbourne carbon credit start-up drawsin huge name $6m backerMelbourne-based start-up Sensand, which hasactually developed a blockchain-based digital property platform to allow the trade of carbon credits focused on the farming
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