TELEVISION’s Julie Goodyear gradually fading away, states partner

TELEVISION’s Julie Goodyear gradually fading away, states partner

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The partner of Coronation Street starlet Julie Goodyear has stated she is “slowly fading away” following her dementia medicaldiagnosis. Scott Brand informed The Mirror paper, external that he missedouton his “fun-loving spouse”, and stated it was “extremely unpleasant” to watch her degeneration. Goodyear, 81, played the leopard-skin-loving barmaid Bet Lynch in the soap. Brand was speaking up in combination with a brand-new Alzheimer’s Society project, which the couple are support. The project functions a TELEVISION advert, voiced by the star Colin Firth, entitled The Long Goodbye. It focuses on the harsh truth of the illness and how it triggers individuals to “die onceagain, and onceagain, and onceagain”. Brand, 55, openly shared news of Goodyear’s medicaldiagnosis last summertime. Sharing an upgrade on her condition, Brand stated: “I missouton the fun-loving betterhalf that Julie had constantly been – the epic character that lightenedup up allover she went, and the smile that lit up every space. “All of this is now gradually fading away and it’s incredibly uncomfortable for me to watch this wearandtear.” Brand stated his partner now hasahardtime to acknowledge individuals, and stated h
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