The Papers: ‘Ghislaine caged’ and ‘Sturgeon’s referendum quote’

The Papers: ‘Ghislaine caged’ and ‘Sturgeon’s referendum quote’

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By BBC News
Staff Image source, Reuters The Daily Telegraph leads on what it calls a “heated Cabinet split’ – with Boris Johnson withstanding calls to boost armedforce financing, it states. The paper states Downing Street steppedin in a speech by the Defence Secretary Ben Wallace on Tuesday, requiring him to water down his need for greater defence costs. Number 10 was stated to haveactually been left “furious” by what was seen as an effort to bounce Mr Johnson into a significant defence costs boost while at a Nato top. The Times states the prime minister’s arrival in Madrid was eclipsed by his approval that he would break a secret manifesto promise to boost yearly defence costs above inflation, amidst cautions from Mr Wallace that the equipped forces were enduring on a “diet of smoke and mirrors”. “Scandal-hit Met” is the lead story in the online-only Independent – following the statement that the Metropolitan Police is being put in unique steps by the policing guarddog. The Times reports inspectors haveactually been thinkingabout the relocation for months however desired to provide the force a opportunity to enhance. The possibility of a 2nd S
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