Tokyo business intends to be 1st service to put lander on moon

Tokyo business intends to be 1st service to put lander on moon

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A Japanese business is about to effort what no other personal service hasactually done: land on the moon

A Japanese business is about to effort what no other personal service hasactually done: land on the moon.

Tokyo’s ispace business put its own spacecraft into orbit around the moon a month back. On Tuesday, flight controllers will direct the craft, called Hakuto, Japanese for white bunny, to descend from 60 miles (100 kilometers) high and land.

The 7-foot lander is bring a mini lunar rover for the United Arab Emirates and a toylike robotic from Japan created to roll around in the moon dust.

Hakuto took a long, roundabout path to the moon following its December liftoff, beaming back images of Earth along the method.

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